Criteria for Participation

Steering Committee

  1. Must represent an organization such as a non-profit organization, congregation, or neighborhood association.
  2. Must be able to fulfill the commitments outlined below. When scheduling conflicts occur, Steering Committee members must identify a substitute to represent their organization.

Roles and Responsibilities

Steering Committee

  1. Overall responsibilities: attend Steering Committee meetings, quarterly General Member meetings, and participate on a coalition committee.
  2. Support planning and convening of coalition meetings. Help develop agendas and select two facilitators for each meeting.
  3. Facilitate arrangements for speakers at coalition meetings.
  4. Help conduct outreach and extend invitations to coalition meetings and events, particularly leading up to the coalition strategic planning session.
  5. Engage membership/constituency in coalition activities.
  6. Help secure media attention and funding when possible.
  7. As needed, develop and propose mid- and long-term plans for the coalition’s consideration, and annually review plans and progress.
  8. The convener will provide facilitation of Steering Committee meetings and administrative support.


  1. The coalition shall be organized into at least four committees, each responsible for advancing a minimum of one action from the Energy and Climate Action Plan each year.
  2. Committees can decide the frequency of their meetings but should aim to meet a minimum of twice quarterly.
  3. Committees will be led by at least one Chairperson. S/he will:
    1. Coordinate Committee meetings, including scheduling, agenda setting, and facilitation.
    2. Guide the process of advancing an action, including coordinating logistics, soliciting participation from other stakeholders, and generating media attention, as appropriate.
    3. Report on the progress of the Committee at full coalition meetings.
    4. Maintain communication with the Steering Committee on the Committee’s progress.
    5. Identify a replacement Chairperson if s/he can no longer occupy the position.

Member Organizations

  1. Endorse and actively implement the Mission, Vision, and Principles.
  2. Commit a recommended 4 to 6 hours per month for Committee and coalition meetings.
  3. Are listed on Oakland Climate Action Coalition (OCAC) collateral such as letterhead, materials, Web site, and so forth.
  4. Participate in coalition general meetings.
  5. Actively participate in one or more OCAC Committees.
  6. Communications:
    1. Receive and read notes, decisions, and next steps from the coalition listserv.
    2. Post and receive announcements.

Coalition Meeting Structure and Decision Making Process

  1. All meetings of OCAC shall be open to the public.
  2. There is not a specific quorum required in order to meet. Meetings must be announced to the membership at least 10 days in advance via the membership email listserv.
  3. All major decisions regarding positions or actions taken by the coalition will be agreed upon by consensus by the coalition (members) at coalition meetings.
  4. The Steering Committee is empowered to make decisions on behalf of the coalition after gaining consensus among their Committee members.
  5. If a coalition member is opposed to an action or a position where there is otherwise consensus, they can choose to either become an OCAC ally or to leave the coalition.

Decisions about the administration of funds raised for coalition operations and projects shall be the right and responsibility of the organization or entity that secured the funding. That organization or entity will also assume ultimate responsibilities for the coalition’s achievement of any deliverables assigned by the funder.


Supporting Members