The Oakland Climate Action Coalition is a mostly volunteer-run Coalition.  We are in the process of revamping and updating our website. In the mean-time, the best way to learn about current OCAC activities and committees, and to join the coalition or get involved is to contact us at

Current Working Groups:

        • Just Transition/Green New Deal Working Group:  This working group consists of grassroots, majority POC climate justice organizations who meet twice per month to build visionary strategy for a Just Transition in Oakland.  The work of this working group is emergent, and includes political and community organizing, policy advocacy, and implementing visionary prefigurative solutions. This working group has benefitted from participation from organizations including Communities for a Better Environment, Asian Pacifiic Environmental Network, Planting Justice, Mycelium Youth Network, Youth vs. Apocalypse, Acta Non Verba Youth Urban Farm Project, the Brower Dellums Institute for Sustainable Policy Studies, and the West Oakland Environmental Indicators ProjectTo learn more about this working group and to get involved, contact us at
        • ECAP Organizing Working Group: This working group meets regularly and focuses on engaging Oakland residents in public processes in order to ensure the 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan is as accountable to community input as possible.  To learn more and get involved, contact Nicole Wires at nicole (at)
        • General Assembly Working Group: This is an ad-hoc working group comprised of many community leaders from the Neighborhood Leadership Cohort who formed to organize an online virtual General Assembly for OCAC Members and Allies on April 10, 2020.  This working group may continue to meet and determine ways to engage members and allies in the work of OCAC. To get involved, contact Keneda Gibson at kenedagibson (at)